

Galatians, 3:13

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written

"Cursed is the one who is hanged on the cross"

Christ was crucified because God's curse on man should be in charge of man, but the curse is dependent on Christ to save the man whom God has cursed for evil that can not be forgiven by the word sorry or by doing good so;

"Man is at peace with God".
== This is the Divine Destination of Jesus becoming Human ==

Why is Jesus hanging on a cross ... ???

1. The Version of the Jews.

According to the Jews, Jesus was guilty of opposing some of the books in the Mosaic law, and on the charge that Jesus was blaspheming Himself.

Therefore, the Jews and the scribes, demanding that Jesus be crucified like other criminals.

But all the accusations were uncovered during Jesus' last breath.

What happens is; the temple is split and earthquakes occur (Matthew 27: 51-52)
And the soldiers who crucified Jesus.
"Truly He is the Son of God"
(Matthew 27:54)

There it was all realized that Jesus was truly a child of God and innocent.

They look for Jesus' faults but do NOT find THESE faults.
"What they are looking for is Jesus' falsehood BUT FACTS that come are: SIGNIFICENT RECOGNITIONS coming out of their own MOUTH that (SINCE JESUS ​​IS THE SON OF GOD).
(MATIUS 26: 57-61)

2. Version of God.

JESUS ​​CHRIST has to endure suffering as the only way to endure the condemnation God has given man from hell and that is the ultimate goal of the coming of Jesus Christ.

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People who have been to outer space (the moon) are the ones who are INSPIRED from the Bible.

This is evidence of the verse:

๐Ÿ‘‰White Earth.

Isaiah 40:22.

He who sits on a sphere of earth, whose inhabitants are like grasshoppers; He who stretches out the heavens as a cloth and sets it up like a camping-house!

๐Ÿ‘‰The earth on the emptiness.

Job 26: 7.

God stretches the north over the emptiness, and hangs the earth on nothingness.

๐Ÿ‘‰Aquarium on the sea.

Job 26:10.

It has drawn a line on the surface of the water, to the edge of the border between light and dark;

๐Ÿ‘‰The rain from the fog.

Job 36:27.

He pulled up the water spots, and concentrated the mist into rain.

๐Ÿ‘‰The moon is outstanding.

Job 31:26.

If I have ever looked at the sun, when it shines, and the moon, which circulates beautifully.

๐Ÿ‘‰The earth's center is in Jerusalem.

Ezekiel 38:12.

You intend to seize and loot and raise your hand against the ruins that have been reestablished and attacked My people gathered from the midst of the nations. They already have cattle and possessions and they dwell in the center of the earth.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Eggs are beneficial to health.

Luke 11: 12-13.

Or, if he asks for an egg, will give him the scorpion? So if you evil know to give good gifts to your children, let alone your Father who is in heaven! He will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.

๐Ÿ‘‰Eating is not excessive.

Matthew 6:11.

Give us today our daily bread.

๐Ÿ‘‰ This animal animal is a health hazard.

Leviticus 7:23.

Tell the Israelites, 'You must not eat any fat from oxen, sheep or goats.

And many more.....!!!!

Renungan khotbah Kristen


Orang-orang yang pernah ke luar angkasa (bulan) adalah orang-orang yang TERINSPIRASI dari isi Alkitab.

Ini bukti-bukti ayatnya:
๐Ÿ‘‰Bumi Bulat.
Yesaya 40:22.
Dia yang bertakhta di atas bulatan bumi yang penduduknya seperti belalang; Dia yang membentangkan langit seperti kain dan memasangnya seperti kemah kediaman!

๐Ÿ‘‰Bumi pada kehampaan.
Ayub 26:7.
Allah membentangkan utara di atas kekosongan, dan menggantungkan bumi pada kehampaan.

๐Ÿ‘‰Garis batas dilaut.
Ayub 26:10.
Ia telah menarik garis pada permukaan air, sampai ujung perbatasan antara terang dan gelap;

๐Ÿ‘‰Terjadinya hujan dari kabut.
Ayub 36:27.
Ia menarik ke atas titik-titik air, dan memekatkan kabut menjadi hujan.

๐Ÿ‘‰Bulan beredar.
Ayub 31:26.
Jikalau aku pernah memandang matahari, ketika ia bersinar, dan bulan, yang beredar dengan indahnya.

๐Ÿ‘‰Pusat bumi ada di Yerusalem.
Yehezkiel 38:12.
Engkau bermaksud untuk merampas dan menjarah dan mengacungkan tanganmu terhadap reruntuhan-reruntuhan yang sudah di diami kembali dan menyerang umat-Ku yang dikumpulkan dari tengah bangsa-bangsa. Mereka sudah mempunyai ternak dan harta benda dan mereka diam di pusat bumi.

๐Ÿ‘‰Telur bermanfaat bagi kesehatan.
Lukas 11:12-13.
Atau, jika ia minta telur, akan memberikan kepadanya kalajengking? Jadi jika kamu yang jahat tahu memberi pemberian yang baik kepada anak-anakmu, apalagi Bapamu yang di sorga! Ia akan memberikan Roh Kudus kepada mereka yang meminta kepada-Nya.

๐Ÿ‘‰Makan tidak berlebihan.
Matius 6:11.
Berikanlah kami pada hari ini makanan kami yang secukupnya.

๐Ÿ‘‰Lemak hewan ini memhahayakan kesehatan.
Imamat 7:23.
Katakanlah kepada orang Israel: Segala lemak dari lembu, domba atau pun kambing janganlah kamu makan.

Dan Masih banyak lagi.....!!!!

Renungan khotbah Kristen



John 1: 19-20.

And this is the testimony of John when the Jews from Jerusalem sent some priests and Levites to him to ask him:

"Who are you?"

He confessed and did not lie, saying,

"I'm not the Messiah."


Should come from Jerusalem out the messengers of the Gospel preaching that Jesus is God.

Jerusalem As a center of worship, the first Light of the Gospels should have appeared from Jerusalem, but Jerusalem was the first to reject Christ.

They asked John;

Who are you .. ???

Why they ask .. ???

Because they did not accept Jesus.

They prefer John rather than Jesus.

John confessed and did not lie, saying:

"I am not the Messiah".

The legality and authority of a person in a task is important, but what happens to John is a little different;

When Jerusalem asked about John's identity as a way of Jerusalem's rejection of JESUS, because of their hatred of Jesus.

So John says with NO SUSPECT he said: "I AM NOT MESSIAH".

What a nation that does not know his Lord.

For them John is greater than JESUS.

Be grateful; John was God's anointed man, giving a strict Testimony that he was NOT the Messiah.

An honest and sincere confession, but this confession does not necessarily lead the scribes to believe in Jesus.

From the Answer:

"I am not the Messiah" proves that Jerusalem seems to regard John as the Messiah, even trying to appoint him as the Messiah, for Jerusalem has power for it, and consequently many people can believe this false news.

John is not big headed to use the plight in this narrowness to steal the glory of God, because it is supported by Jerusalem to make him a false Messiah.

John knew he was carrying; he only voiced the prophetic voice sent by God to prepare the way for the real MESSIAH

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Yohanes 1:19-20.

Dan inilah kesaksian Yohanes ketika orang Yahudi dari Yerusalem mengutus beberapa imam dan orang2 Lewi kepadanya untuk menanyakan dia:

"Siapakah engkau?"
Ia mengaku dan tidak berdusta, katanya:

"Aku bukan Mesias."


Seharusnya dari Yerusalem keluar utusan2 INJIL yg memberitakan bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan.

Yerusalem Sebagai pusat ibadah maka seharusnya Terang Injil pertama2 terbit dari Yerusalem, tetapi sebaliknya Yerusalem lah yang pertama menolak KRISTUS.

Mereka bertanya kepada Yohanes;

Siapakah engkau..???

Mengapa mereka bertanya..???

Karna mereka tidak menerima YESUS.

Mereka lebih suka Yohanes dari pada YESUS.

Yohanes mengaku dan tidak berdusta, katanya:
"Aku bukan Mesias".

Legalitas dan otoritas seseorang dalam suatu tugas memang penting, tetapi apa yg terjadi pada Yohanes ini sedikit berbeda;

Saat Yerusalem bertanya tentang identitas Yohanes sebagai cara penolakan Yerusalem terhadap YESUS, karna kebencian mereka terhadap YESUS.
Maka Yohanes mengatakan dengan TIDAK BERDUSTA katanya: "AKU BUKAN MESIAS".

Sungguh bangsa yang tidak mengenal Tuhannya.

Bagi mereka Yohanes lebih besar dari YESUS.

Bersyukur; Yohanes adalah orang yang betul2 diurapi Allah sehingga memberikan Kesaksian secara tegas bahwa ia BUKAN Mesias.

Sebuah pengakuan jujur dan tulus, namun pengakuannya ini tidak serta merta membuat para ahli Taurat percaya pada Yesus.

Dari Jawabannya:
"Aku bukan Mesias" membuktikan bahwa rupanya Yerusalem menganggap Yohanes sebagai Mesias, bahkan berusaha mengangkatnya sebagai Mesias, karna Yerusalem memiliki power untuk itu, dan  akibatnya banyak orang bisa percaya pada kabar bohong ini.

Yohanes tidak besar kepala menggunakan kesemptan dalam kesempitan  ini untuk mencuri kemuliaan Tuhan, karna didukung oleh Yerusalem untuk menjadikan dia Mesias palsu.

Yohanes sadar dirinya bawa; dia hanya menyuarakan suara kenabian yang diutus Allah untuk mempersiapkan jalan bagi MESIAS yang sesungguhnya.

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